Kutahya Dumlupinar University (TURKEY)

Kütahya Dumlupınar University (DPU), founded in 1992, carries on the activities with 3 institutes, 9 faculties, 3 schools, and 14 vocational schools. In total, the university is serving 46.482 students, 13.978 of whom are associate degree students, 27.957 of whom are bachelors degree students, and 4.547 of whom are graduate degree students. It has areas of specific expertise such as Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Science and Technology, Engineering, Physical Education, Applied Sciences, Technical Education.

In DPU, there are more than 918 academicians teaching full time, improving their organizational skills multi-dimensionally via EU Projects, supporting students with their career planning in future, trying to integrate them to social activities to prepare them to Life Long Learning Period. In addition, they do experiments to carry on their scientific studies under the roof on Advanced Technologies Center in DPU, which enable the university to have a higher ranking among the others, also contribute the science world.

One of the important academic units that will take place in the project is Faculty of Education. Within the faculty of education, there are six departments; Computer and Instructional Technologies, Educational Sciences, Primary Education, Turkish and Social Sciences Education, Special Education, Science and Mathematics Education. When the academic researches, approaches and the eagerness of academicians of the faculty are taken into consideration, it is obvious that they have the ability to come up with alternative and inclusive solutions for the educational matters. Especially the existence of a kindergarten, a primary and a secondary school within the university gives the faculty members to have an implementation area of scientific developments for developing the quality of education given to students.

Our university has been integrated with Europe in the framework of European Commission Bologna Process. Through international relations, DPU performs student and staff exchange with European countries and other countries from around the world via bilateral agreements and Erasmus and Mevlana Exchange Programs. International Relations Office (IRO) which coordinates and conducts that kind of activities will actively take place in the project. IRO which takes an active role for the promotion of the continuous academic, scientific and cultural developments in international area, coordinates different forms of national and international cooperation and exchange programs. IRO creates a bridge between DPU academics, students and the world. Currently, it manages the teaching, training and guidance for the students, academic and administrative staff at both national and international level within the framework of either exchange programs such as Erasmus, Farabi and Mevlana or via bilateral agreements and it helps the realization of mobility process with these programs. Under favour of International Relations Office, our University has its place as sending and coordinating institution among accredited institutions within European Voluntary Service. It has been an executive in Bologna Process, which enables DPU to have accreditation at the same level with the ones in the world. It provides such kind of standardization in European level.

Date 01 May 2020, Friday
Read 11940 times read